A perplexing issue once stumped a content author trying to publish an item. No matter what she tried—unchecked "Never Publish," correct language settings, valid publish dates, approved workflow states—the page just wouldn't go live. Even after clearing browser and CDN caches, the item remained elusive in the web database. I started looking at the item hoping that content author may have missed something but everything looked normal. I also jumped into publishing logs and each time it said that the item published successfully. I opened Sitecore with web db selected and on navigating in the content tree, I did not see the item. This was confusing but interesting. There is probably something which I have not touched before and it impacts an item's publishing. Upon closer inspection, a rarely used field, "Hide Version in Lifetime," held the key. This obscure setting, tucked away in the depths of the item's properties, was silently thwarting all publishing at...
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