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Script to find usage of renderings in Sitecore

The Problem We possess over 250 renderings in Sitecore, which consist of both OOB SXA renderings and custom renderings inherited from our application prior to migrating to SXA. This large number of renderings has posed challenges in implementing changes across our websites, as many updates required modifications in all modules/renderings, resulting in a significant effort due to the sheer volume of renderings. The Analysis Upon analyzing our renderings, we discovered the potential to: - Eliminate renderings that are no longer in use. - Deprecate renderings that serve the same purpose as other renderings by transitioning content to other renderings used more frequently on pages. To address this, we opted to develop a script that would list all renderings along with the pages they are utilized on. This report will provide valuable insights into our rendering usage. Initially, we considered using PowerShell, but ultimately found running the script in SQL against the Sitecore databases to
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